Welcome to Norwich Instrument Services
Welcome to nisltd.co.uk, our interactive customer focused site. NIS specialise in utility instrumentation and plant, primarily for the electricity supply industry and associated contractors. Primarily being a repair and calibration house Norwich Instrument Services are dedicated to servicing equipment, and being able to advise and supply new on merits of the equipment, rather than just cost! Recognised as a specialist in High Voltage and Cable Fault Location, Norwich Instrument Services can test practically any parameter and are continually investing in personnel and equipment to diversify our range of services. We are unique in our approach to developing long term relationships with our clients offering a 'Total Solution' package to management of equipment and staff, customising it around your requirements. The 'Track Instruments' & 'Owner Tracking' pages, and 'My Corporate Page' allow users to login and trace exactly what is registered to whom and when calibration and inspections are due, as well as encompassing a management hierarchy structure. Please feel free to navigate around our site and contact us to discuss how we can help you with your requirements.